
Spin Class/Spin sessions ~ BYO Records

Pt Chev’s best kept secret

Cupid bar

& music venue


1218 great north road, pt chevalier

Nestled in the storied surrounds of Pt Chev’s historic Ambassador Theatre



where to find us

The perfect environment for a bodacious burgeoning music scene


Cupid is located nearby Nomad Restaurant and Daily Bread, opposite the Pt Chev Library.

Just a quick taxi ride from town, yet removed from the chaos of Ponsonby, Karangahape Road and Auckland CBD. Cupid is a destination for the artists & avant-garde musicians of Tamaki Makaurau.

3 out of 5 stars. A bit dark and dingy, OK cocktails.
— Google Reviewer
5 out of 5 stars.
— Everybody else